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Reflection .
i'm your soul.

Irwin .
Fifteen . (: .
Showing three post .

strike out.

I want you
I wanna be rich too

hearts talking.

Cbox recomended, perhaps w counter.

alternative exits.


my days, not yours.

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In section page 3 A Deadly Buisness

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?
The two worrying trends in the articles is that not just adults sell drugs but even teenagers and womens are dealing with trafficking too. And another trends is that a lot of singaporean are being caught for drug crimes overseas.

1b) Why singaporeans increasely being used as "drug mules"?
This is because Singaporeans do not need a visa for many places, and they are also less likely to be checked because of Singaporeans's reputation for being tough on drugs.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs? How will you react if someone tries to sell?
I will advise them to quit selling drugs as it a very risky job. If people who are above 18 years old and get caught, that person will be jailed and will be caned. If they dont want to listen, I will tell their parent first, and maybe their parent can help them. Another way is that I will ask a social councilors to help them up. If someone sell me I will reject them immediately and walk away. If they continue to pester me, I will report to the police and let the police settle this matter themself. As i do not want to get involed with all those thing and I do not want to get caught from police.

5:47 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

1) pg 4 Her world's a stage

Do you consider yourself an artistic person?
I am an artistic person because i like to draw and i can understand mostly what people has drawn.

What are the opinions of the theatre scene in singapore?
I never went to watch any plays which were written by Singaporean. So I do not have any thinking or opinions. But then I think that it is quite ok. If the theatre scenes are bad, then no one will go and watch and the theatre will be closed down.

2)Pg 10: drink-and-eat MRT

Reflection Question:

How do you feel about MRT commuters eating and drinking blatantly on the train?
It a very irresponsible way to do that. As i think, the rule is given and we should follow the rule. If they eat in the mrt, there will be a smell of it as the mrt is air-conditioned. This will affect the other passengers. If they spill or drop thier food on the floor, other passengers will be affected as they have no space to stand in the mrt. The mrt cleaners also will have a hard time as they need to clean up other peoples mess. i think, they have their own reason to set the rules in the mrt, so we who uses their mrt must follow the rule.

5:44 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

1a) Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?
It is because that they need a lot of money for their uniform, pom poms, shoes for cheerleadings, mattress for cheerleading, these items singapore might have, but their quality is not as good as from USA, so some people decided to buy from USA which cost a lot more than singapore. For their cheerleading moves also require a professional to teach them which is also cost quite a lot, form e i think that cheerleading is an expenisve sport.

b) What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?
they have to dance at a right timing with their members and cannot forget the steps,they also need to do tumbling dancing stunting cheers together as well, they also require the stamina for the long hour of cheerleading.

2) What is your opinion of cheerleaders? If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/Why not?
Cheerleading is a dangerous sport and need a lot of time for it which i do not have. And a lot of people because of cheerleading hurt their bones and get hurt from it. For me i wont join cheerleading as it is a waste of time for me.

5:22 PM