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Reflection .
i'm your soul.

Irwin .
Fifteen . (: .
Showing three post .

strike out.

I want you
I wanna be rich too

hearts talking.

Cbox recomended, perhaps w counter.

alternative exits.


my days, not yours.

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
July 2009
August 2009

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Article: “I was an addict” – ‘Straits Times IN’ Section (In The Air Pg 2)1a) What are some of the earliest signs mentioned in the article to indicate that a person is addicted to gaming?

The signs mentioned above are skipping meals and play without sleeping. Eventually, the temptation was to skip school and meals just to spend all those precious time gaming. all the topics they are dicussing is all about .They will talk about game all the time and also begin to imagine things like game characters and monsters.

1b) State some of the methods listed by the author to overcome the addiction to gaming.

Some of the them method are they had to get their parent to lock up the computer. This take them three month to break the habit. Another method was to be more socialise more. Talking to thire friends in school about the hot guy who had just moved into my neighbour make a different.

5:38 PM

Article: “Mum’s catching up with me … on Facebook”– ‘Home’ Section

1) What were the reasons given by Facebook parent, Rashida Husian, when she requests access to the networking sites and also to what her children had put online?

Rashida Husian said that her main reason is really to keep in touch with her children.she also can give her child words of encouragement in facebook. And facebook is free of charge, which is better than using handphones as handphones is not free of charge.

2) Do you think it is a good idea to accept requests by your parents to add them readily to your friends’ list on the Facebook? Why?

I think that it is a good idea to accept requests by our parents to add them on the Facebook. The reason is some of the children don't know how to express their thoughts to their parent so they can express through Facebook. Parents also can keep track on what their children is doing. Parents also will not misunderstood them their children, because they will know what their children are doing by Facebook. So I think it a good idea to accept requests by our parents to add them to our friends' list in the Facebook.

5:10 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Article: "Boring? 'Creators' aim to engineer a cool image"

Question one:(a)According to Mr Pang, what can school do to make lessons like Physics and Mathematics more interesting to students and relevant to engineering as a career?
Mr Pang suggested schools to make Physic and Mathematics lesson to be more interesting for the student yet relevant to engineering as a career by showing them how Physics and Mathematics are applied. Examples that are fast cars, nice animation. This will lead to students that eager to learn more everyday.

(b)According to MP Lee Bee Wah, what will happen to society if there are no engineers?
According to what MP Lee has said, she said that if there are no engineers in the society, there will be no technological progresses and advancement. Not only just that, but it would affect our society progress as well.

Question two:Do you think that 'Creators' will suceed in their misson? Why? Why not? Explain giving your reasons.
I think that it would have to depend on what or how thier schools are teaching
Mathematic and Physic to their students, students will only focus on new things that are fun and interesting to them. If they teach them using books all day long. i guessed that half of the class are either sleeping or talking. I guessed that the creators might succeed, as their name are creators, that makes other people thinks that they are creative and are confident to capture all the students in the schools to listen to the lessons.

3:56 AM

Article: “Sorry guys, these lots are not for you” – ‘Home’ Section

Question 1:What were some of the reasons cited in the article why there was a need to have parking lots for women only in these buildings?
One reason which was given by the assistance marketing communications manager at Furuma had said that the parking are for womens only because it would be less tiring for women, especially those who are wearing high heels.Another reason given from her is that these parking lots are placed as some women will feel safer with the parking lots nearer to the entrance.

Question 2:(a)In your opinion, do you think it is necessary to allocate parking lots for women only? Why?
For me I think that it would depend on how we look on things. I think that these parking lots are not really necessary but will prove to be benefit for women. As from the above reasons, we can see that the parking lots proved to a benefit for women and they can ensure our safety as well. Plus, I don't think that just allocating a few more lots among so many of them will prove a problem to the other people.

(b)Which group of people do you then feel should be allocated such priority parking? Explain.
I think that the group of people who should be allocated with priority parking would be families. As there is a time that family have to go out and eat, but everytime our parents have to find parking lots and that wasted a lot of time. With those parking lots, people who are driving will drive more carefully when they are around the parking zones and parent would not have to worry about knocking other peoples car.

3:46 AM

Article: “Help for single mums in downturn” – ‘Main’ Section

Question 1:What project was launched to help single mums? Briefly explain what is this project about?
The is project called 'We Care For U - U' forms the logo of the National Trades Union Congress and is meant to represent every single worker.It aims to reach out divorcees, widows and other single mothers who not only have a tougher time juggling work and family.

Question 2:Imagine you come across a single mum who is unemployed, what are some advice you can give her? Who can she turn to?
If I ever come across a single mum who is unemployed, I would do my best to help her by asking my parents how to help her,cheer her up and advise her to find for help by turning to the people incharged of We Care For U project.I'm sure that if she seeks help from them, she will get the help she needed.The people there will be to help her find a suitable job which suits her.I'm sure when that happens, she would be happy and she will not be that troubled anymore.

3:35 AM

Article: “NTU Death Fall” – ‘HOME’ Section

Question 1:What were some indications which showed that the victim was facing problems before he committed the rash act?
The indications are the victim was playing computer games "World Of Warcraft" 6 hours a day when exam is coming, he usually dont play computer games when exams are coming. Other indications is that he cut down all the communications with his friends, the victim seems to be avoiding all sort of trouble playing playing games to make himself forget what have he done.

Question 2: (a) Is it very stressful being a student in Singapore? Explain.
Being a student in singapore is indeed stressful, because in singapore a lot of people wants to compete against each other, so we must work very hard to achieve better results than others. But nowadays our studies is like getting more and more difficult, exam standards have gone higher and higher, some parents still puts a lot of pressure on thier child that they need to study well in order to get good grade, this is a form of stress as some child may have done his best but their parents still nag and nag, this will cause a person to get very stressful. Economics is also demand a higher education for thier jobs, so we have to be more hardworking, all this is the causes of our stress.

(b) What are some problems you face as a student which adds to your stress level?
Some problems that adds to my stress level is that sometimes we quarrel with our family member or friends, we get very moody as we will think that whether that person is going to be very angry with me or friendshp breaks. Money is also a stress to us, as we needs money to buy present for our friends, and without money we will think about what our friends will think if i never buy present for him or her. This are some added stress we are facing.

3:10 AM

Article "All in a day's work for men in blue." - 'HOME' Section

Question 1 - What are some reasons stated in the article why some members of the public call the police for?
-To complain about the noisy neighbours
-Because there is snake in their house
-pipe leakages
-and because of medical emergencies

Question 2(a) - Do you see the job of a policeman as something easy or tough? Why?
The job of a police is tough, they have to stay overnight if there is an urgent matter. Police have lesser free time than other peoples, as whenever their headquater calls them to go back, they will have to stop whatever they are doing and rush back to the police station to begin their work. Police must stay focus at all time as they risk their own life to catch the bad guys, if they are unfocus, they might be injured or die, so this is very serious and i thinks that police job are indeed very tough.

(b) - Would you consider becoming a policeman or policewoman in future?Why yes or why not?
I will not consider to be a policeman, as i am not as alert and as discipline as the police, it is a tough job as you dont get a lot of free times, i am not the sort of a person who likes to be very busy as a police to rush to the police station a lot of times in a day, so, being a policeman is very tiring.

2:54 AM